c. 1912 Powerful and artistic photograph of John "Chief" Meyers from the New York Giants in full uniform and hiding his face behind his catchers mask. Meyers was a great player but also novelty for being a full blooded Native American and a few years earlier a photo similar to this was snapped by Charles Conlon to an immensely popular reception. The photo was used countless time in publication and for baseball cards; people were drawn to it without realizing why. Three hundred years of symbolism were packed into this photograph as the "Noble Savage" was intentionally obscuring his face for photographer. This example is in the style of Conlon and looks beautiful, developed on double weight paper by a photographer from Underwood and Underwood and this is the only example of this exact photograph we have ever seen. A perfect 10/10 that is being offered here for the first time ever!
Size: 6.75x9
Designation: Vintage 1
Condition: 5/5
Quality: 5/5
Overall Grade: 10/10