In 1926 Babe Ruth visited a sick boy named Johnny Sylvester in the hospital and agreed to hit a home run for the boy if he promised to not give up on his recovery and keep trying to get better. Ruth pulled through and so did Sylvester. To the best of our knowledge, the story ended there, but this photo shows the youngster two years later, reunited with Babe Ruth at the ballpark and showing the Babe that he had indeed improved! An incredible piece of baseball history that we have never seen before, this was issued by the Associated Press and stamped on the back with a nice paper caption as well. This was issued in 1947 as a retrospective on Ruth for the upcoming "Babe Ruth Day" but it still dates to Babe Ruth's lifetime and is absolutely off the original negative. There is some wear at the corners but the overall look and feel of the photo is great.
Size: 7x9
Designation: Vintage 1
Condition: 3/5
Quality: 5/5
Overall Grade: 8/10